Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Computer woes

Well I am working on this from my work computer. Here is the story, along with some ideas to help all of you, maybe prevent something similar.

A few days back we had a computer crash, I am hopeful that it is just a motherboard that needs replaced. After a few test I have isolated it to the board, I do not have another computer to try the CPU on to insure that whatever caused the board issue did not also fry the CPU; however I am hopeful.

So what caused the crash? I cannot be 100% certain; however the placement of the tower in our desk may have had a lot to do with it. How you may ask? Well here goes... First I hope that this is not to simplified...disclaimer....any techies may want to skip this part...

The CPU, power supply, chipset, and other elements in your computer generate a lot of heat that has to be dealt with. Hence the fans that are in the case. There are several reasons to deal with the heat. The main one being performance. Computers being electronic devices that operate with changes in voltage at the milli volt range, and the fact that resistance through a current will affect the voltage, and resistance changes with temperature, you can see why computer manufactures have to deal with the temperature. Now in all my wisdom, and after more than 2 years in the same location I pulled the computer out did the yearly blow out of all the dust, (note this should be done at least once a year) moved, the case to a new position in the desk. Without thinking at the time I blocked the fan for the power supply, and the other two case fans completely. No supprise that this failure came only a few months after being in this new position. I had overheated the board and caused something to fry. Warning blow the dust from your computer regularly, and do not block the fans, do not put in a closed small space that limits airflow around the computer. This also applies to any electronic devices, especially high performance ones like TV's; gaming systems; receivers; and tuners/amps.

Well there is my computer story I hope this helps someone prevent a similar problem. No we are in the process of determining what we will be doing about a computer, maybe a mac, I would be leaning to the 13" mac book pro, or the Imac; however we will be making this decisions later.

Saturday, March 20, 2010



I just realized that I had not introduced myself, so here goes...

Where to start? Basics I am 41, married to a wonderful woman that puts up with all my faults, and loves me anyway. I love GOD, my wife, and kids. yes that order also. I know that GOD has a plan for my life and that I must let go of myself to live in a way that is both pleasing and honoring to my father.

Work (currently) you will understand this in a moment. I am an mechanical engineer, currently working for Husqvarna Outdoor Products, where I design 2 stroke engines. Yes I think it is a cool job, and designing/analysis is the best part; however after 22 years the company is planning a relocation for engineering, from Texarkana, Tx to Charlotte, Nc.! Now for the decision stay or go? Well I am listening for GOD's direction, and praying.

Kids, we have 3 kids 2 13 year old boys, (yes twins), and a 5 year old daughter. They are without a doubt the greatest gift that GOD has given us.

Hobbies/fun, I have a lot of hobbies, and my wife has told me that I have to cut back. currently I am down to 3 that I tend to hold onto. Photography, this has been a hobby for many years; however has recently came into its own. Scale modeling, no I do not walk a runway! I love to build models you know the plastic ones we built as a kid. Well I just never grew up! Airplanes, Motorcycles, cars, anything with an engine that goes fast I am into. Art, I love to draw, paint.

Well there you have the short introduction, and you can learn more about GOD, photography, models, and other events.

Check out the various links also, and I will be adding a gear list for those that like to know what you are using.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First wedding shoot

Hello all, Just thought I would share some of the details of my first wedding shoot.

I have a good friend that has been doing wedding photography for many years, after a brief conversation about possibly being a second or third shooter the opportunity came up. (this is due to extreme NSA, and the need for funding said NAS) (for those non-Nikon followers NAS = Nikon acquisition Syndrome)

I will have to say that although nervous at first once the first shutter clicked, and the images started building it really became looking through the view finder and framing a picture, and making the click.

I was the third shooter, which initially relieved some pressure. It was discussed prior that my major responsibility would be to capture the fill-in, candid, and misc shots, but to also shoot, shoot, shoot. The most nerve racking portion for me which was not previously discussed was that I was to shoot the aisle shots , kneeling in the aisle and shooting the bridal party entrance, then move around, and cover the other angles of the ceremony. What made this nerve racking for me was not the photography, but the etiquette, what was appropriate and what was not. A short discussion just prior to getting in position help clear this up. In short just try to be slow, precise, only move when required, and get the shot, once the bridal party is in position move slowly quietly around the sides to the back, and then on to the other side of the room, for the duration of the ceremony.

I started at around 2:30pm, and did not finish until 9:30pm this covered the end of the pre wedding shoot, wedding shoot, and reception. I do not know what is customary, or if there is a customary number of photos for a second/third shooter; however I did fire off about 1,700 pictures during the 7 hours, below is one of my favorites... (Sorry before I post I must make sure that it is ok, to post here.)

Gear, (which reminds me I must update that portion of my profile) I used D300s with the 50mm f1.4, no flash, auto ISO max 1600, min shutter 1/60, 0ev, some shots outside with 2ev Nd filter, shooting raw (CF), + jpeg(sd) and I must say that it performed flawlessly. The 50mm f1.4 is slow focusing; however I Love it. The DOF, and bokeh is great.

TO wrap up my friend was pleased with my performance.